Thursday, June 10, 2010

"I Am Offering This Poem"/"since feeling is first"

1. The speaker of Baca's poem offers the poem as a gift because he...
2. The speaker of Baca's poem asks the recipient to...
3. In Baca's poem, the speaker hopes that his poem will...
4. In Baca's poem the repetition of the same line following each stanza...
5. In the construction of "since feeling is first", E.E. Cummings...
6. The premise of "since feeling is first" is that...
7. According to the speaker in "since feeling..." what is better than wisdom?
8. To Cummings, the flutter of his love's eyelids tells him that...
9. Cummings urges his readers to...
10. What is the message of "since feeling..."?

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