Thursday, June 10, 2010

Two Kinds

1. Jing-Mei's mother's life in China was hard because she...
2. When first considering the idea of becoming famous, Jing-Mei...
3. When Jing-Mei sees her "prodigy side" in the mirror, she...
4. Old Chong is...
5. According to Jing-Mei's mother, what are the "two kinds"?
6. The main source of conflict between Jing-Mei and her mother is...
7. At college, Jing-Mei...
8. A character's motivation is his or her...
9. Based on Jing-Mei's behavior, a reader can infer that...
10. At first, Jing-Mei's mother's ambitions for Jing-Mei are motivated by...

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